Account-Based Marketing Success Requires More Than Just LinkedIn
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Account-Based Marketing Success Requires More Than Just LinkedIn

As the digital world keeps changing, ABM strategies need to evolve too, embracing new ideas.
Primer team
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April 18, 2024
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November 23, 2023
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LinkedIn, with its huge network of professionals, has become a super important tool in account-based marketing (ABM). But marketing success in ABM isn't just about one platform. It's all about being creative and using multiple channels to reach your target audience.

You gotta think outside the box and dig deeper than just LinkedIn. While it's a good place to start, you need to explore other data sources, come up with unique outreach tactics, run campaigns across different platforms, and look at the bigger picture when measuring marketing success. As the digital world keeps changing, ABM strategies need to evolve too, embracing new ideas and thinking outside the box.

Limitations of LinkedIn in ABM

LinkedIn is a pretty powerful tool for ABM. No doubt about it, with over 800 million users, it's got the numbers. But here's the thing: relying solely on LinkedIn has its downsides. It only reaches a fraction of your target audience. I mean, come on, there are way more potential contacts out there beyond LinkedIn.

And to make matters worse, LinkedIn has all these rules and restrictions when it comes to reaching out to people. Their InMail restrictions and engagement rules limit your ability to really get creative and grab the attention of your target accounts. It's like they're trying to stifle our creative genius!

Successful ABM strategies require coordination across multiple channels. Studies show that buyers interact with about 10 different touchpoints before they decide to make a purchase. If you're only relying on LinkedIn, you're missing out on all these other powerful channels that can help you reach your target audience.

Revenue-oriented ABM has much more to it. Read our 5 ABM best practices guide, and you’ll understand why selecting testable and scalable channels matters. 

The most effective ABM programs don't just rely on LinkedIn and email alone. They see it as just one tool in their arsenal. They explore other research sources, coordinate personalized outreach across different channels, and get creative with their content. This all-around approach gives them the flexibility and customization they need to achieve marketing success  with their ABM moves. It's like going into a battle with more than just one weapon. You gotta be versatile and use all the platforms, tools, and tactics available to you. In a nutshell, LinkedIn is great, but it's not the be-all and end-all of ABM.

Mastering Multi-Channel Campaigns for Account-Based  Marketing Success

Multi-channel campaigns are super important for reaching your target accounts and making a big impact. You don't want to stick to just one platform. Instead, you should coordinate customized outreach campaigns across different channels. This way, you can create a consistent story that grabs the attention of your target audience.

Think about it this way: you could start with some email and LinkedIn-sponsored content to raise awareness among your target contacts. Then, use personalized ads on Facebook and Instagram to reach even more stakeholders. And to really seal the deal, send out direct mailers with special discount codes that lead people to a personalized landing page.

But don't stop there! Use video ads and retarget their IP addresses to reinforce your message (check out UserGems’ approach). Today’s marketing success is all about telling a story across different channels that really captures their attention.

Get creative with your outreach tactics! Don't be afraid to do something bold like an in-person stunt. The key is to mix it up and make your campaigns personal and surprising. You want to stand out from the crowd.

Bring it all together with shared CRM data, marketing automation, ABM platforms, and collaboration with your marketing, sales, and customer success teams. This way, you can get a centralized view of what's working and what's not.

Here, we’ve compiled an up-to-date list of 10 top ABM tools worth adding to your martech stack. 

And by the way, don't just measure marketing success based on pipeline and revenue. Look at engagement, awareness, and brand perception, too. It's all about taking a holistic approach to measuring success.

Okay, coordinating all of this can be a challenge, but trust us, it's worth it. By reaching your target accounts across different channels, you can cut through the noise and make a lasting impression. Your multi-channel campaigns will build brand affinity and tell a cohesive story over time.

Measuring Account-Based Marketing Success Holistically: More Than Just Pipeline and Revenue

When it comes to measuring the marketing success of your ABM efforts, it's important to go beyond the usual metrics. You need to take a broader perspective and consider factors like account engagement, awareness, and perception. While these aspects may not be the easiest to measure, they provide valuable insights into how your target accounts are interacting with your brand.

Consider indicators such as social media activity, website traffic, content downloads, video engagement rates, and event signups. These are all signs that your accounts are engaging with your brand. By combining these different elements, you can better understand how much attention your brand is capturing. This greatly matters for marketing success because when accounts have a positive perception and understanding of your brand, they are more likely to become customers in the future.

Now, you might be wondering how to measure these aspects effectively. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Keep track of account web traffic and engagement over time to identify any changes. You can even compare your target accounts with others to establish benchmarks. Use reverse-IP tools like Koala or 6sense.
  • Don’t just look at visits —  look at metrics like time on the page and for ads (CTR and views). 
  • Take the time to periodically interview accounts to gauge any shifts in perceived value, relevance, and differentiation for your brand.
  • Monitor social media conversations and brand mentions to identify any volume increases, reach, and sentiment.
  • Set up Google Alerts for your key accounts to stay informed about any news coverage or partnerships they may be involved in.

While these measures may not always provide specific numerical values, they are crucial for a strategic ABM approach. They demonstrate the positive impact of your efforts on account perceptions, even before they translate into tangible pipeline growth. Patience and persistence are key because building a strong brand presence today can lead to revenue gains in the future.

To fully unlock the potential of ABM, it's important to go beyond relying solely on LinkedIn. By exploring other platforms, getting creative with your outreach, mastering multi-channel campaigns, and taking a holistic approach to measuring success, you can elevate your ABM strategies and achieve impactful results.

How Primer Elevates Your Multi-Channel ABM Capabilities

Win tremendous account-based marketing success by leveraging Primer’s B2B data enrichment feature and multi-channel reach. Enriched custom audiences meet considerably higher match rates on LinkedIn (up to 65-85%), Facebook (45-65%), and Google Ad Network (35-45%). Moreover, you can activate them on every advertising channel directly from your Primer account!

Test Primer today – request a live demo presentation to see how to harness it in your ABM campaigns.

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