B2B Targeted Marketing: Primer vs. Metadata Platform
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B2B Targeted Marketing: Primer vs. Metadata Platform

Should you opt for Primer or Metadata’s MetaMatch platform? Let’s compare their features, match rates, and use cases.
Primer team
Updated on
April 25, 2024
Published on
April 18, 2023
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Primer vs. Metadata Platform: Use Cases

GTM teams frequently try to capture more of their TAM using a rough definition of their ideal customer profile (ICP), a bunch of data lists, disparate tools, and non-unified sales and marketing activities. Primer helps create a quantitatively-defined ICP that lets sales and marketing teams go after the same companies and people at the same time.

Your ICP, of course, will evolve as your company evolves. You’ll launch new products. You’ll move up or down the market. And that’s where Primer continues to be valuable because we will help you identify that next tranche of audiences to focus on.  In particular, Primer can drive your outbound lead generation conversions.

Connect your CRM and feed conversion data into Primer. It will be analyzed and enriched with market intelligence, intent signals, and contact info so that you can Identify - > Align - > Activate across all channels.

Primer is tailored for continuous audience research, evolving ICP definition, and audience reach across paid social and email/outbound channels. Primer empowers teams to go deep into their specific target markets.

Primer vs. Metadata Platform
Targeted Marketing with Primer  

Metadata.io, on the other hand, focuses on automation versus precision. It is better suited for paid advertising teams looking for digital ads management and experimentation based on generic, broad-based ICPs.

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Primer vs. Metadata Platform: Key Targeted Marketing Functionality

Since both Primer and Metadata’s MetaMatch Platform offer data enrichment and audience building for B2B advertising, it might seem like they’re similar in their functions and use. That’s not true, however, as their different focus and philosophies about achieving customer growth make them completely different tools with some overlapping – but not identical – features.

Primer vs. Metadata Platform: Audience Targeting Capabilities

Audience targeting capabilities largely depend on:

  • Quality, volume, type, and freshness of data from the combination of data providers that underpin the platform.
  • Available filters for you to build broad audiences, niche audiences, or any specific audience to target your ICP.
  • How well you can reach your audience across a variety of channels, as well as the match rates that you can get on different channels.
  • How easily you can use the audiences you’ve created, which also includes the ability to easily export data and take it to other platforms.

Let’s compare Primer versus Metadata platform according to all these parameters.

Why Marketers Need Audience Targeting with B2B Data Enrichment Capabilities

If you’re not talking to the right people, your creative optimization doesn’t matter because even if a prospect clicks, they won’t convert. Starting with audience optimization makes more sense because any creative optimization you do is more efficient since you’re talking to the right people.

For example, by using Primer’s intent filters for data enrichment, you can personalize your messaging and address customers' pains and issues in a hyper-targeted ad message.

B2B Data Enrichment Capabilities

When native targeting is not enough, the B2B data enrichment and audience building tools come to the rescue to make sure you’re talking to the right people.

The main features of such an audience builder should include:

  • Access to broad and niche targeting data by combining data from multiple data providers
  • Contact sourcing
  • Lead enrichment and qualification
  • Audience deployment and export
  • A variety of filters, including the common ones like annual revenue, funding, headcount, and industry, as well as signal data like Instagram followership change.

But which audience targeting tool should you opt for? In fact, while Primer and Metadata’s MetaMatch platform both offer audience targeting, they have very different approaches to targeted marketing.

Primer vs Metadata Platform: Different Vision and Approach to Targeted Marketing

Primer was created as an improvement upon multiple in-house data engineering tools that a lot of B2B go-to-market teams were building to stitch together data sources and deploy them in various ways.

Since 2019, Primer has evolved from an MVP to a series A funding in 2023 based on the vision that MarTech needs a single, better source of truth. Today, Primer helps companies increase revenue and unify sales and marketing efforts through TAM definition, ICP analysis, audience targeting, lead enrichment and qualification, and prospect personalization. Primer’s customers have seen >60% match rates on Facebook, 55% increase in ad efficiency, and 34% improvement in lead generation.

MetaMatch emerged as a personal-to-corporate data match tool within the Metadata platform. Metadata’s primary focus is paid campaign automation and experimentation, with the main features related to campaign management, A/B testing for creative optimization, and budget controls.  

The Growing Need for More Targeted Marketing in B2B

Why is targeted marketing so important for B2B growth marketers? It all comes down to numbers.

  • The competition for B2B executives’ attention is growing: 54% of salespeople think today it’s harder to get in front of potential customers than five years ago.
  • Not only is it harder, but it’s also more expensive: The US B2B advertising expenses have been steadily growing from nearly $26 billion in 2021 to projected B2B advertising spend of over $30 billion by 2023.
  • And your tactics need to be multichannel and diverse: While email marketing is still the most implemented B2B tactic, 84% of B2B executives use social media as a source for purchasing decisions.

Add to this the common challenges for every B2B ad campaign:

  • Lack of data readily available for building an audience to target a specific customer persona.
  • Low match rates, low CTR, and low volume of quality leads.
  • High CPL as a result.

We recommend growth marketers to design a robust growth stack in advance. Here are our go-to suggestions on top-selected tools to help you operationalize growth marketing from scratch.

Basically, the success of your B2B campaign is directly related to how well you can identify your highest-value prospects (not only by standard people and companies data but also by specific intent signals). The most challenging part is then maximing your ability reach those high fit, high intent targets across all channels. And that’s where Primer shines.

Why Primer?

Primer allows you to put an abundance of B2B data into practice, improving your audience matching and reach rate across multiple ad platforms at a time. It empowers you with an automated audience-building functionality that sources and merges customer data from 10+ martech intelligence platforms into a single highly targeted prospect list. From now on, you will capture ICP-fit prospects all across the web, maximizing targeted advertising ROI.

Check out the live demo to learn exactly how Primer works.

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